When Should I Take My Child In For Their First Check Up? – Pediatrics

A child should be taken to see their pediatric dentist for their first check-up at the first sign of a tooth. If you choose not to take your child at that time, just make sure to visit the pediatric dentist within the first year of the child’s life. Taking your child in for their first dental check-up […]

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are dental veneers made of porcelain that are custom-made to fit your teeth and are bonded to the front surface of your tooth in order to give it a healthy appearance. Veneers are good for people who have discolored, misaligned, cracked or broken teeth. If you have a large gap between two of your […]

Oral Surgery, What To Expect

There are various reasons a person may need oral surgery. You may need a tooth extraction such as wisdom teeth removal, a root canal, veneers or more. Whatever the reason, you can expect to have similar experiences with whatever oral surgery you are undergoing. Before your surgery, your dentist/oral surgeon will likely have a consultation with […]

Family Dentist, How Can They Help You?

A family dentist can help you by providing you and your family convenience that a regular dentist wouldn’t. Family dentists are similar to regular dentists – they go through the same schooling, but undergo extra education in order to treat people of all ages. You can schedule overlapping appointments so that you, your spouse and your […]

Dental Implants, Are You A good Candidate?

Are you interested in getting dental implants? Wondering if you’re the right type of candidate? If you need dentures but are concerned that traditional dentures will inhibit eating, speaking, and potentially change your lifestyle, then you may be a good candidate for dental implants. If you’re missing a few teeth or all of them, you can […]

Implant Retained Dentures, What Are They?

Implant retained dentures are similar to regular dentures, except that they involve artificial roots that are embedded within your gums. The root eventually fuses to the jaw bone, creating a stable foundation for the dentures to sit upon. Once the implant is set up, the dentures are then settled on top of the roots. These dentures […]

Dental Implants, What Are They?

Though dental care has vastly progressed year after year, people are still struggling with tooth loss. Before now the only way to deal with that tooth loss was with dentures or bridges, but not anymore. Dental Implants are replacement tooth roots for missing teeth that provide a solid foundation for permanent or removable replacement teeth, bridges or […]

Oral Surgery Pros and Cons.

Oral surgery is a dental specialty that focuses on diagnosing and surgically/ adjunctively treating diseases, defects, and injuries of the mouth, face, jaw, and teeth. A general dentist, pediatric dentist, orthodontist, or medical physician can only refer a patient for oral surgery, not perform one themselves. This type of surgery can include, removing teeth, placing dental […]

Porcelain Veneers, How They Can Help You

Porcelain Veneers are thin shells of medical-grade porcelain, or ceramic, that are attached to the front surfaces of teeth by a dentist, this creates and instant transformation for the patient. Veneers are usually made special for each individual so that they look just like the surrounding teeth and no one can tell that they are in […]

Family Dentists Pros and Cons

Family Dentists are not limited to one specific age group like pediatric dentists, they can treat any age person which makes them perfect for families. Since these dentists can treat a wide range of ages they are perfect to take kids to, they can treat them all the way from their first appointment to their last. […]

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