In modern dentistry, dental implants have completely changed how we deal with missing teeth. They’re known for being a strong and natural-looking way to replace lost teeth, and many people are opting for them to restore their smiles and ability to chew properly. But, despite all the good things about them, it’s important to understand “what is the disadvantage of implant teeth?”

What are the disadvantages of Dental Implants?

While dental implants offer a permanent fix for missing teeth, they’re not suitable for everyone. Individuals with small jaws, poor oral health, smokers, and those with health conditions affecting bone healing may not be good candidates. Here are the disadvantages of implant teeth in humans.

What is the Disadvantage of Implant Teeth

considering the cost of dental implants

When you’re exploring options for restoring your teeth, it’s crucial to think about the long-term financial commitment involved. One popular choice often discussed is dental implants. However, a significant disadvantage of implant teeth is their high price tag.

Dental implants are hailed as a more permanent solution for missing teeth compared to alternatives like dentures or bridges. They mimic natural teeth, providing both comfort and stability. However, these advantages come with a hefty cost.

On average, a single implant can set you back anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000. If you’re considering full-mouth implants, be prepared to shell out between $12,000 and $25,000 per jaw. For many individuals, this expense simply isn’t feasible.

not covered by dental insurance

Typically, dental insurance plans do not include coverage for dental implants. If you’re thinking about getting implants, it’s wise to inquire with your insurance provider beforehand. While they’re unlikely to cover the entire expense of implants, some insurance companies may contribute to the cost of the crown portion, offering some relief in terms of overall expenses.

requires dental surgery

Unlike other ways to replace missing teeth, getting dental implants involves undergoing oral surgery. Just like with any surgery, there are risks involved, such as problems with anesthesia or the possibility of developing an infection.

surgical risks and complications

Apart from the surgical risks themselves, there are additional potential complications associated with dental implant surgery. These risks may include harm to adjacent teeth, slow healing of the bone, nerve injury, excessive bleeding, and fractures of the jawbone.


Infection poses a risk in any surgical procedure, including dental implant surgery. Infections can happen during or after the surgery due to inadequate sterilization or post-operative care. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and the formation of pus around the implant site.

Nerve Damage:

Another complication of dental implant surgery is nerve damage. If an implant is positioned too close to a nerve within the jawbone, you might experience persistent pain, tingling, or numbness in your natural teeth, gums, or lips.

Sinus Issues:

Placing implants in the upper jaw may sometimes intrude into the sinus cavities, leading to persistent sinus infections known as sinusitis. This could result in discomfort and the need for further medical intervention.

long process and healing time

Dental implants may not be the best choice if you’re seeking a quick fix for replacing a missing tooth. Your dentist will need to assess your jawbone’s density to determine if it can support implants. In many cases, additional bone may be required, necessitating bone grafts to build up the area before implant surgery. Depending on the type of bone graft needed, your jaw could take up to a year to be ready.

After the implant screws are placed, there’s another waiting period before the crowns can be installed. This second recovery phase can last anywhere from 3 to 18 months.

While dental implants can offer transformative results, it’s essential to understand that the process involves significant time for healing and recovery between each step. Some patients may find this waiting period inconvenient or stressful. However, with patience and proper care during the recovery phases, you’ll likely find that the end result—a beautiful new smile—is well worth the wait!

need for a healthy jawbone

The success of dental implants depends on having a strong and healthy jawbone. A sturdy jawbone provides a stable base for the implant to fuse with, allowing it to function just like a natural tooth. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough bone density in their jaws, often due to issues like gum disease, tooth loss, or past injuries.

Why bone density matters

Having sufficient bone density is crucial for dental implant surgery. Think of it like planting a tree—you need solid ground for the roots to take hold. Similarly, the titanium post acting as the root of your new tooth requires a solid foundation to attach to. Without enough bone in your jaw, it’s difficult, if not impossible, for the implant to stay securely in place.

Bone grafting: an extra procedure

If you lack sufficient bone density but are still considering dental implants, there’s hope! There are procedures available to help restore lost bone mass and prepare your mouth for successful implantation. One common approach is known as bone grafting.

Bone grafting involves surgically transplanting pieces of bone from another part of a patient’s body (or using synthetic materials) into your jawbone. Over time, these transplanted materials merge with existing bones, creating a stronger support structure necessary for an implant. However, while bone grafting is beneficial, adding this extra step increases both the complexity and cost of the overall treatment plan.

needs several visits

Getting dental implants isn’t a quick fix. It involves multiple appointments and procedures, especially if you need bone grafts before placing the implants.

restorations may need updating

While the implant posts themselves are built to last a lifetime, the dental crowns placed on top may need replacing every ten years. Although your insurance might cover some of these costs, it’s important to factor in this additional expense when weighing the decision to get dental implants.

risk of bone loss

While dental implants are designed to help preserve bone in your jaw, it’s important to note that bone loss is a part of aging. If you experience significant bone loss over time, your dental implant may lose support and require replacement. In such cases, a bone graft might also be necessary.

potential for implant failure

Although dental implants are generally effective for replacing missing teeth, not every implant is successful. On average, implants have a failure rate of 5% to 10%, meaning that your jaw may not accept and support the implant, leading to failure.

concerns about appearance

Some patients may encounter aesthetic concerns with dental implants. These issues can include differences in color and shape between the implant and natural teeth, which may result in a less-than-seamless appearance.

Color and shape issues

Dental implants may not always perfectly match the color or shape of your natural teeth. Over time, color discrepancies can become more noticeable due to aging or lifestyle factors like smoking. Skilled oral surgeons may recommend professional tooth whitening before placing an implant to improve color consistency. Additionally, advancements in technology such as 3D imaging allow dentists to create custom-made implants that accurately replicate the shape of surrounding teeth for a more uniform appearance.

Who isn't a good fit for dental implants?

As mentioned earlier, dental implant treatment isn’t suitable for everyone. Various factors can impact your ability to support dental implants successfully. While not all of these factors automatically rule out dental implants, your oral surgeon will need to assess them during your initial consultation.

Conditions that may affect eligibility include:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Previous jaw radiation
  • Bone diseases that hinder bone healing
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Uncontrolled gum disease
  • Certain medications, like steroids or immunosuppressants
  • History of teeth grinding or clenching


While implanted teeth offer numerous benefits in restoring smiles and oral function, they also come with their share of disadvantages. From the high cost and surgical risks to potential complications and lengthy healing times, weighing these factors carefully before opting for dental implants is essential. 

Ready to address your dental concerns? Visit All About Smiles in Canton, MI, and schedule an appointment today. New patients can call at (734) 531-7638, while existing patients can reach us at (734) 981-1199.


While dental implants offer a permanent tooth replacement solution, not everyone is a candidate. Factors such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, smoking, and bone diseases affecting healing may disqualify certain individuals.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. However, factors like bone density, oral hygiene, and lifestyle choices can impact their longevity.

Alternatives to dental implants include bridges, dentures, and removable partial dentures. Your dentist can recommend the best option based on your specific needs and preferences.

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