Porcelain veneers are dental veneers made of porcelain that are custom-made to fit your teeth and are bonded to the front surface of your tooth in order to give it a healthy appearance and to help with the functionality. Veneers are good for people who have discolored, misaligned, cracked or broken teeth. If you have a large gap between two of your teeth, veneers can help close that gap. If you want whiter teeth but don’t respond well to whitening, they can give that appearance of white, healthy teeth. If you’ve had a tooth knocked out or chipped, they can return the look and feel of the smile you had as well as your confidence.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are made specifically for your teeth – the size, shape and color are all made to match your natural teeth. So, are they the right choice for you? There is much to consider, if you only need a couple of teeth fixed, veneers are a better option than dentures and are more permanent. You won’t have to worry about them slipping and sliding when eating and speaking, as you would with dentures. If you’re interested in a better appearance that is permanent then they are the perfect choice, unlike whitening which must be done on a consistent basis.

If you think that a porcelain veneers might be the right choice for you, or if you’re looking for more information, you should schedule an appointment to talk about the assorted options. Here at All About Smiles we take patient care very seriously and we strive to provide the best care, from family dentistry and implants to whitening and so much more. To learn more about this and the rest of our services give us a call at (734) 981-1199.

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