Family Dentist is a dentist who can treat the whole family, not just children and not just adults. Family dentists are like regular dentists – they go through the same schooling, but undergo extra education to treat people of all ages. These dentists are not limited to one specific age group like pediatric dentists, they can treat any age person which makes them perfect for families. Since these dentists can treat a wide range of ages they are perfect to take kids to, they can treat them all the way from their first appointment to their last. Since children often fear the dentist, and other medical things, building trust with one dentist is important for their oral health development, and lifelong care.

There are many benefits to going to a family dentist, for example long term care builds trust in both patients and clients, they provide a broad variety of care, and they are more convenient. A family dentist can help you because they are trained to treat and diagnose children, adults and the elderly. They will perform all the typical tasks, such as cleaning, flossing, and performing annual check-ups. They can also whiten teeth, fill cavities, add sealants and they often can even perform orthodontic procedures, such as adding braces or dentures.

If you think that a family dentist might be the right choice for you, or if you’re looking for more information, you should schedule an appointment to talk about the assorted options. Here at All About Smiles we take patient care very seriously and we strive to provide the best care, from veneers and implants to whitening and so much more. To learn more about going to a family dentist and the rest of our services give us a call at (734) 981-1199.

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