Are you considering dental implants to restore your smile? While these modern solutions offer remarkable benefits, including natural-looking teeth and improved oral function, there’s a critical question to address: Can dental implants cause neurological problems?

Don’t let missing or broken teeth prevent you from smiling. Due to technological advancements, you can now easily restore your smile using dental implants. Dental implants are a cutting-edge alternative to missing teeth because they are surgically planted into your jawbone to replace missing tooth roots.

While dental implant procedures generally have a high success rate, it’s important to address concerns regarding potential neurological complications. Despite their effectiveness, some individuals may experience rare instances of nerve pain or other side effects associated with dental implants.

In this blog, we detail these topics and seek answers to pressing questions such as: Can dental implants cause neurological problems? Let’s explore further to comprehensively understand the relationship between dental implants and neurological health.

Can dental implants cause neurological issues

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing a solution for missing teeth that excels in both durability and aesthetics.
While dental implant procedures have inherent risks, they typically achieve a success rate of approximately 98%, depending on proper placement and the quality of the implant restoration, including the implant crown.
Dental implants offer a range of advantages, including:

Understanding the Impact of Dental Implants

Before we explore potential neurological implications, it’s crucial to address the question: what are the side effects of dental implants? While most patients smoothly navigate the recovery process, it’s important to acknowledge and address common discomforts and complications:

Relationship Between Dental Implants and Nerve Health

To know the impact of dental implants on nerves, it’s essential to understand the connection between oral health and the nervous system. The mouth and facial regions contain a complex network of nerves responsible for various functions, including sensation and movement control. During the placement of dental implants, these sensitive nerves are near the surgical area. This proximity raises concerns about the risk of nerve damage, which could potentially lead to neurological issues. While dental professionals take precautions to minimize the risk of nerve damage, eliminating this risk is challenging.

What is a Nerve Damage?

Nerve damage caused by dental implants refers to different levels of numbness, pain, or tingling sensations in your mouth, including your natural teeth, gums, lips, or chin.

It happens when dental professionals drill the implant too deeply into the lower jaw, potentially injuring the underlying inferior alveolar nerve. Unfortunately, such nerve injuries can be quite painful, and the damage is often permanent.

Signs of Nerve Damage Caused by Dental Implants

Inferior alveolar nerve injury can result from local anesthesia, third molar surgery, dental implant insertion, and other endodontic procedures. This type of injury is more severe than lingual nerve trauma and demands prompt attention and care, sometimes necessitating a root canal.
Symptoms of nerve damage include-

The Impact

Inferior alveolar nerve injury can result from local anesthesia, third molar surgery, dental implant insertion, and other endodontic procedures. This type of injury is more severe than lingual nerve trauma and demands prompt attention and care, sometimes necessitating a root canal.

Furthermore, research indicates that inferior alveolar nerve injury contributes to mental health issues, including depression.

Can Dental Implants Cause Neurological Problems?

As you may be aware, dental implant surgery entails inserting a titanium post into the jawbone to replace the tooth root. Following the fusion of the implant with the jawbone, a crown is added for a natural appearance and function.

During the procedure, excessive drilling in the lower jaw may potentially harm the “inferior alveolar nerve,” causing issues like numbness, tingling, pain, and other symptoms. Even with prompt treatment, such injuries can be permanent.

Nerve damage can also occur post-implantation. For instance, the implant fixture might compress a nerve or post-surgery bruising and swelling could exert pressure on nerves. In many cases, these nerve injuries can gradually heal over time.

When Should You Consider Zirconia Dental Implants Instead of Titanium?

When considering whether to opt for zirconia dental implants instead of titanium, it’s essential to evaluate your individual circumstances and choose the option that best suits your needs. The success of the procedure hinges on customization and selecting the most suitable materials. While titanium remains the most popular choice for dental implants, zirconia may be preferable under certain conditions:

Preventive Steps to Guard Against Neurological Issues

The dental community prioritizes awareness of potential nerve damage during implant placement. Advanced imaging techniques like cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) offer three-dimensional insights into oral anatomy, serving as a leading preventive measure against neurobiological issues. This facilitates precise surgical planning, nerve pathway identification, and risk minimization.


While exploring “Can Dental Implants Cause Neurological Problems?” sheds light on potential implications for nerve health, it’s vital to recognize the risks involved, including the rare chance of nerve damage. Prioritizing informed decisions, seeking professional guidance, and maintaining oral hygiene are key to safeguarding dental health and overall well-being.
Ready to address your dental concerns and explore treatment options? Contact All About Smiles in Canton, MI, today to schedule your appointment and discuss your dental implant needs. New patients can call (734) 531-7638, while existing patients can reach us at (734) 981-1199. Take the first step towards achieving optimal oral health and confidently restoring your smile!


You need to observe specific symptoms to check if you have nerve damage. Numbness is a common indicator, often felt on the side where the implant was placed, including the lower lip and chin. Another potential symptom is paraesthesia, characterized by skin tingling, tickling, or burning sensations.
Though rare, dental injections and anesthesia can sometimes cause persistent or even permanent nerve damage. Temporary nerve damage is more common, typically improving within a few days or weeks.
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